About The Farm


Araceli Farms is a lavender farm located on the outskirts of Dixon, CA. 

My parents have had the property for about 20 years but this journey of farming is all new. In 2017 with the help of a large crew Justina and Araceli organized and took part in planting 6 acres of lavender!

Alongside the lavender we have a big beautiful barn and a community behind us that believes in leading with heart and purpose. 

For those skimming, here's a quick breakdown:

  • 4 acres of lavender, with 7 varietals
  • 2 acres of California Native Plants
  • Dedicated to soil health, conservation, native plants, land equity, advocating for disadvantaged communities, local economy, small farms.
  • Woman of Color owned and operated.
  • Creating spaces and products
  • Committed to stewarding the land - the way we farm, source our products, packages our products and manage our events.
  • We offer Venue Services
  • We distill our own essential oils and hydrosols.
  • Advocate for Small Family Farms and Local Business
  • Certified Naturally Grown

Transparency and accessibility are at the core of our business. Our farm works hard to be a haven that fosters acceptance, sharing of knowledge and growth to all those in the community.

As for our story, there is so much to say - it’s hard to find the perfect words to describe the complexities, sacrifices, privileges and blessings that have lined the path of this adventure.

When you stroll through our lavender fields or native plant meadow, smell the flowers, pamper yourself with our products, picnic on the grounds or stroll through our social media you’ll start to feel the pulse of what we are all about. 

    We cannot wait for you to experience the beautiful community that our patrons aka YOU have fostered and made possible here.




    Check out our online lavender shop!
