

If you are interested in bulk discounts, carrying our products in your store, using our lavender in your own products please get in touch. Fill out the form or get in touch with Justina at We look forward to working with you!

Lavender Oil Distilling

In addition to distilling all of our own lavender essential oil we also distill oil for other farms. We have a beautiful handmade 300 liter still imported from Portugal. We would be happy to distill your lavender as well.  If you are interested in our distilling services please email we will get back to you to provide pricing and schedule a date.

Lavender Debudding

If you’re looking to not strip your lavender by hand anymore you’ve come to the right place. We use a micro vibrator seed processor to debud our lavender. This unique machine uses a system of rotary brushes inside a vacuum chamber to strip, sift and clean buds.  It delivers the buds to a sequence of sifters driven by micro vibrators.  Finally the buds enter a centrifuge vacuum system where impurities and dust are completely removed resulting in a clean product.  We would be happy to debud your lavender as well.  If you are interested in our debudding services  please email we will get back to you to provide pricing and schedule a date.
